L'Escargot Cafe De La Bastille

10:08 AM Putri Dewinta 3 Comments

that was Tuesday, April 21th '09
me and my bestbestfriend, Dini, went to France mini's Restaurant named L'Escargot Cafe De La Bastille
fyi, we both likes to do an adventurer things, a new things, including try any food or usually called 'Wisata Kuliner'
i ate Bourgogne Steak (if i didnt wrong remember the name of the food), and its delicious!
that was a great restaurant, hope i will back and try another food :)

3 komentar:

@gheadoang said...

manaa?! kok foto cafe sama sendok garpu doang? elo nya gak difoto? sama si dini nya juga? zzzzzz

buailaah pengen bgt sii lu nyimpen poto gue

Anonymous said...

Il semble que vous soyez un expert dans ce domaine, vos remarques sont tres interessantes, merci.

- Daniel