Dude I can tell :
girl on the PMS is not a choice.
it's utterly sucks as well as the way you felt it from the way your girl stabbed you with her mad words.
Fyi, PMS is Pre-Menstruation Syndrome. This kind of situation found out lately that not only girl who suffer it, but also... boys.
the conditions you need to fathom is that :
- before/while the girl on the period, in her stomach is streaming a dirty blood which is need to be out from our body (stomach cramp guys, it hurts like... really)
- the hormones. yes it is, we're so sensitive as well as the test pack so whatever hit us in our sensitivity zone, will being spurt by our Lava of emotion, don't mess... sorry ^^
- PMS = in a relationship with food. Maaan... chocolate, sweets, cake, seems like a significant others for us you know. And the girls tend to be overwhelmed with the thoughts they're body is getting fatter. So, are you bored with your life with telling her that she's fat?
- I'm so sorry to you guys, if you're now in a relationship, well be ready... because every move you make.. it's just some kind of sin that need an Exorcism. You. Guys. Are. The cause of every problem on her life that time (no offense, it just seems to be like that, its not the truth, we know and you know and God's know... right? ^^)
- Cry and sadness without reason
- Flooding twitter/path/facebook with Drama Quotes
- The others symptom is feeling ugly, feeling hopeless, worthless, jealousy, get mad easily, upset by a little thing, feeling fat, feeling that everyone is sucks and 'nobody understand me' monolog, and maybe you guys could continue............. ^^v
if you need some... tips... you might could handle this. kind. of. situation....
- If she suddenly ignore you or being cold, I suggest not to mad at her silence but ask her gently whether she's feeling fine or something like how she's feel that time
- If she's mad at you even when you try to be nice at her, don't mad at her back, now understand the idea 'Flight or Fight' dude. If she's kind of person who didn't want to talk when she's angry, then give her some time (it would not be long I bet), but if she's kind of person who like to fight on problem, you need to listen on her problem and be patient for a little while, she's not mean it and she will sorry for you later (for a normal girl I supposed*) and you know you win.. you guys
- Ignore her back or fighting with her on the period is not recommended, because it will ruin her mood and it will not change her situation, she will just have an idea that you're not an understanding man when she need you and that you didn't care about her at all and THATS a roots of a hatred.
- Do not lecture her on her PMS, if you want to make her mature to face her conditions while she's on her period, wait until she's stable and give her an advice not to act that way as the role of her wise-best-man ;)
- Find out what kind of situation that usually happen when she's on her period, and ask her why she's being that way, so you could understand and you would know how you suppose to act on that time
- You could be her Ashton Kutcher, man. Period-Mix compilation pair with the Red Velvet or bouquet of Flowers will tender her and softness her. (Based on No Strings Attach movie and of course... real life, so it's proven!)
By the way no offense man! Don't take a girl on a PMS seriously because it just temporarily, I know we sucks and so sucks and sucks at best when we put you on the situation that you don't understand. But your wisdom and your understanding at our condition will put on the best position at our heart. Patience will not low your power or your manly or your virile down. Trust me, turn your ego at least one level is not making you a loser and she's a winner :)
Now you know, DUDE! :p
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